Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Any comment from the community?

Posted by Don Baccus on
Oh, Jon, you fucking ignorant piece of shit...
xowiki is a great addition to the core and is still being fought by several members of the community who think that OACS is their project.
Gustaf has long said he has no interest in supporting Oracle.

And his shit is BSD, rather than GPL.

Now, recently, Gustaf has been encouraged to support Oracle

(Jon: read ... MONEY)

So we may adopt it. Though the BSD issue is important.

If you care enough to trash us in public, why don't you drop into the openacs channel in IRC to trash us in a private scenario which is logged for the public?

What about this great new templating scheme that broke sites on 5.3 upgrades with no warning?> Oh wait it only works on dotlrn.

There was warning.

You are just too fucking stupid to realize thae if you want to be part of the community, you must be part of it.


.LRN leadership meeting, Tuesday, same hour.

Come bitch and tell us YOUR vision of where the toolkit should go, and tell us how much time you have to do it, or how much money you have to see various things implemented.

To come bitch afterwards, after IGNORING PLEAS TO TEST PRE-RElEASE VERIONS, well ...

You are acting like a parasite, not a contributor.

What are you, as parasite, contributing that contributors ($$$) should value?

You haven't contributed to the project in YEARS. You're saying ... "y'all are interfering with my ability to be a parasite!"


Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
This thread has left all technical grounds, but i will add a small comment against my own principles in order to reduce false information and rumors. Don said:
Gustaf has long said he has no interest in supporting Oracle.

And his shit is BSD, rather than GPL.

Now, recently, Gustaf has been encouraged to support Oracle

(Jon: read ... MONEY)

What i have said for a long time was that i did not have an installation to work on Oracle and that i am not happy about developments that increase the maintenaince costs of xotcl-core and xowiki on my side.

The platform situation has changed by the nice people from UNED who gave me access to their Oracle installation. On my side, I have developed an easy-to-maintain SQL layer. I did not receive *any* money for any of this work, i did this out of personal interest. Actually, nobody even encouraged me to provide oracle support (there was actually more discouragement). I have learned something during developing this layer, and i think the results are quite good.

Don, please don't talk about things that you don't know. And thanks for the clear words what you think about my contributions.

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Forgot another one:
Oh, Jon, you fucking ignorant piece of shit...
No, he is not. Not everybody has to be a programmer to contribute to a project. I do not agree with all points on on Jon's summary of deficiancies, but there is certain truth in his posting providing hooks for improvements. Who else does this? I know Jon as an interested and factual person from real-live and find these kind of contributions important.

About Jon's statement that OpenACS is "basically dotlrn". No wonder that he gets the impression when an "openacs release" is just the kernel and the first time, improved packages come out is essentially the dotrln release (i remember a statement of Ben Koot in the same regards). This is not your fault, Don, but we have currently nobody but the dotlrn team to care and maintain the most important openacs packages used in plain oacs installations (except the stuff starting with xo*).

Jon, it is in the interest of the dotrln consortium to get rid of the dotrln-specific modules and make dotlrn an ordinary openacs package. This is not an easy task and it will still take some time until we can show results in this regard. But there is will, which is a good start...