Thank you, Dave, your explanation is helping me to understand your suggestions in this thread: clarify my often backwards/upsidedown understanding of the application of permissions!
You mention that there are no simple examples available. A simple or template example would be very useful in applying the bits from the documentation, understanding hierarchy of operations, best practices etc. Alas, maybe I can create one after asking a few more questions.
Are there procs one should be looking at, besides: application_group::new rel_types::create_role rel_segments_new and rel_types::new for implementing your suggestions (in thread above)?
Is an application_group a group_type?
Is there only one application_group group_type per package_key (or per package_id)?
If there are 2 or more instances of a package with separate operating datasets sharing default/template relationship (types? roles?) as in readers, contributors, writers, editors, and admins (but maybe each instance represents a different entity as in magazine/company..) would each package instance shared the same acs_rels, rel_segments or are the "template" relations equivalent to acs_rel_types?