Hi all,
I've finished the work to switch to HTML Strict and committed to HEAD. I've done the validation check for users pages and unless I've missed any, they're all valid HTML 4.01 Strict (administration pages have not been done).
There's a summary of the differences between Strict and Transitional at http://24ways.org/2005/transitional-vs-strict-markup
Here is a list of the changes I had to do:
- INPUT, IMG, BR should NOT have a trailing "/".
- INPUTs have to be wrapped by a block tag (DIV, P, H)
- SCRIPT: the language attribute is not allowed anymore, use type attribute instead.
- Allways use quotes for the value of HREF and any literal value of attributes.
- IMG: border attribute is no longer allowed, put it in style or better in stylesheets.
- TD: same for width attribute, has to go in the style one or in stylesheets.
- FORM: enclose it with DIV tags (ad_form takes care of that)
- OL: start attibute no longer allowed. This one is a bit tricky if you want to control the start value of the ordered list and that value is a variable. Here's an example:
# in the HTML
<ol style="counter-reset:item @offset@"># in the CSS
LI {
LI:before {
content: counter(item) ". ";
counter-increment: item;
- FONT, CENTER: no longer allowed, have to go in style attribute of the block or in stylesheets.
- align attribute: has to go in the style attribute of the outer block or in stylesheets.
We'll work on the rest of packages for dotLRN in the next weeks.