It's not just the forums.
I chunked the installation and started over, recompiling everything to make sure there weren't any error messages I missed. Still didn't notice anything, but when I get to the point of starting aolserver for the first time to begin the bootstrap process for openacs, the "no fullquery" message was in the log on startup.
The portion of the log where it occurs:
[17/Sep/2003:14:51:51][8701.2684358124][-main-] Notice: Loading packages/acs-tcl/tcl/xml-2-procs.tcl...
[17/Sep/2003:14:51:52][8701.2684358124][-main-] Debug: NO FULLQUERY FOR dbqd.acs-tcl.tcl.00-database-procs-postgresql.db_table_exists.table_count --> using default SQL
[17/Sep/2003:14:51:52][8701.2684358124][-main-] Notice: Querying '
select count(*) from pg_class
where relname = lower('apm_packages') and
relname !~ '^pg_' and relkind = 'r';'
No other wierd messages that I haven't seen on working installations.
From that point, openacs will install through the web interface. Once I install and enable packages, I get the other errors when going to their url's (for example, forums).
I'm trying the install with aolserver3.3ad13 just to see if I can tell a difference and what might be causing the problem.
Otherwise, I'll try opeancs head. Thanks for the link.