I'm moving an ACS site to 9i and Aolserver 4.0. I've built nsoracle-2.6 and linked with the oci9 libs and I started getting this in my logs. It appears from the Oracle site there is a change in the drivers that requires initilizing bind variables. I'm assuming this requires a driver change. Does anyone have a patch?
[17/Sep/2003:14:32:28][2360.6][-conn:openacs::2] Error: SQL():
ora8.c:3370:ora_tcl_command: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-01480: trailing null missing from STR bind value
The code is
set out [ns_ora exec_plsql $db {
status number;
line varchar2(4000);
ret varchar2(32000);
status := 0;
ret := ' ';
while status = 0 loop
if ( status = 0 ) then
ret := ret || line || '
end if;
end loop;
:1 := ret;
} ]