Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Printing with printer control fonts from HTML

Posted by Mark LePine on
Hi Brian

I've got an Epson TM5000II connected on LPT1. The DOS command "echo ^[p0>lpt1" does instantly pop open my cash draw. I can't get your FileSystemObject code to work however. I'm trying to get my cash draw to pop open when I complete a shop transaction on my POS software which is web based. I'm using IE 7. When I put the code into my page all I get is a 'File Not Found' error on the 'Set objPrint = objFS.CreateTextFile("LPT1:", True)' line.

Sorry to be a div but I don't know how to 'execute this script, either onLoad or via button push' part so I simply slotted the code into my page header, which is why I probably get this error. Perhaps you can explain a bit further how to execute this code using OnLoad. If the draw popped open when the page loads it would be ideal.

