Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Ideas for easier installation of OpenACS

Posted by Tom Jackson on
Can these vboxes run without a console? That is something I didn't think about until you mentioned the keyboard. I noticed that it grabs the pointing device and keyboard.

Seems pretty cool, even better if someone already has VMWare installed.

Posted by Stefan Sobernig on
Can these vboxes run without a console?

Yep, just get a local installation of the vmware server which will be the "ghost" run time environment for your images. The role of the admin ui (which is a tty terminal to the vbox) , as taken by the VMWARE player, is then played by the VMWare server console. You, then, can arbitrarily attach to and detach from vboxes. The vmware player is admin console and rte in one. The rte will take care of running vboxes whenever your host system fires up or the other way around. It comes with some advanced features and is definitely the way to go in your case ...

Posted by Vic May on
Are you talking about the same thing here? "vbox" is a VirtuBox term , not to be confused with "virtual machine" of vmware .
Posted by Vic May on
I meant "VirtualBox"
Posted by Stefan Sobernig on

vbox is just my personal flavour of referring to "virtual machine" in general (without any links to concrete products). But everything said above applies to the virtual machine/vbox I realised for the VMware line of products (and not virtualbox as product and brand) ...

Posted by Vic May on

I just installed vdotlrn and like it a lot because of it clean interface, no errors so far and I like the "Profiling Information" on each page. That helps to learn how it all works. The only shortcoming is the the installation is outdated. How difficult is it to update it to the latest version?

Posted by Stefan Sobernig on

How difficult is it to update it to the latest version?

I assume you mean how to difficult/ time-consuming would it be for me to update the vbox to the most recent release. in fact, I've already started to provide a new one (and somehow promised it to chris douce, see above). I've just finished giving my last lecture today, so there will be some time to round it up at the beginning of next week. Expect it around tuesday ...