G'day Randy,
Yeah, as Lars mentioned, Rafael and I have been collecting case studies from different learning institutions that use .LRN. The way we go about it is basically contact them (usually thru the OACS/.LRN developers that work with them) and ask them whether they will be willing to participate. We also send them a case study so they get a sense of what we are looking for.
If they are cool with it, then we send them 10 questions that we have. They are very concise and to the point questions... actually, here you have some of them:
1. What where you using before for e-learning?
2. Why did you change?
3. Was the idea of using Open Source part of the reason? Please explain.
4. How many students are using it?
5. For how many courses?
6. What are the plans for the near future? (i.e. standards compliance, integration, etc?)
7. What are the longer term plans?
8. What is the platform you are currently using for .LRN (hardware and software)?
We usually get very good answers from those, then we add a bit of an intro (based on the 'About Us' section of their site) and we put their answers into an essay format.
Once we have it almost done, we run it thru them for approval, work a bit with them on the rough edges and then we put them online... It really doesn't take to long and we have always done it over email, so it's cool for them and we don't pester them much 😉
Anyway, here you the link to the case studies:
Please let me know if there's anything you need help with.