Old Versions: Sussdorff-Roy has downloads of ACES which is basically ACS3.5. Not sure where to get ACS3.3.
Sloan migrated from ACES to OpenACS4x/dotLRN
OpenACS.org migrated from OpenACS3x to OpenACS4x.
Dave is uploading his scripts and I will try to contact Tracy at Sloan to upload hers. I'll also ask Sussdorff-Roy if they have any from thier upgrade of AISEC.
Since you are working on ACS3.3 and may want to migrate directly to OpenACS5 they won't work out of the box for you, but they should give you a significant headstart.
Anyone who has a migration script to contribute please upload it to this folder:
Good luck and the latest OpenACS is definitely worth it!