Forum OpenACS Q&A: sws installation

Posted by Jay Dubanik on
There are several sql scripts to run in order to install sws, such us:

Some of them have notes to be run under ctxsys schema, but other don't.

My question is: Do I run all of them as ctxsys user?

2: Re: sws installation (response to 1)
Posted by Andrew Piskorski on

Follow the instructions as written. (Of course, if they could be improved, feel free to suggest changes.) If it says to do something weird and unusual like:

-- -------------- !!!!!!!!!  EXECUTE IN CTXSYS SCHEMA !!!!!!!!!!! -------------------- 
-- Notes: Run this script only once for a database, not per ACS Installation. 
--        Errors can be ignore if this is not the first time the script was run  
--        under the ctxsys schema. 
then do that. Otherwise, don't do anything weird, do the normal thing - which is to always use your one OpenACS Oracle user.
3: Re: sws installation (response to 1)
Posted by Jay Dubanik on
I got distracted by this line in: index.sql
-- create the procedure within intermedia schema
4: Re: sws installation (response to 1)
Posted by Jay Dubanik on
When trying to make search (Intermedia) available for bboard module running on linux/oracle 8.1.7 I have noticed the following:

1. you don't need to install SWS to be able to provide search using Intermedia as the setup for the Intermedia has been already done for you during acs-content-repository installation.
see: /acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-search.sql

There is ctxsys index created called cr_rev_content_index, the only missing part for if is the job which would update this index on regular basis.

2. Most problems I had with Intemedia was due to INSO_FILTER which did not work and does not work. Testing INSO filter by trying to convert files from command line (executing ctxhx) gave nothing.

3. The solution I used to make intermedia to work on BLOB was setting BLOB to use NULL_FILTER