Forum OpenACS Development: after-unmount callback?

Posted by Ola Hansson on
Is it too late to add a new type of callback? Is it hard to do?

The reason I ask is that I've found it practical (necessary?) to perform a cache flush call to get rid of the curriculum bar after you have unmounted the instance from the sitemap, without un-instantiating it.

Currently, the bar is removed only if the instance is deleted.


Posted by Lars Pind on
For 5.0, yes, definitely.

Any reason you can't use before-unmount?


Posted by Ola Hansson on
Never mind, I take back my proposal - when I think about it some more callbacks wouldn't have helped me anyway.

Actually, this is solved by the new check I'm using in site-master.tcl, which finds out if any curriculum instance is mounted in the sitemap under the current subsite, in order to know if the bar should be displayed or not.

See this thread: