Ok, I'm trying to do this but I'm obviously missing something.
I put this in bulk-mail/tcl/apm-callback-procs.tcl:
ad_library {
APM callback procedures in the bulk-mail::apm namespace.
@creation-date October 31 2003
@author Janine Sisk
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval bulk-mail::apm {}
ad_proc -public bulk-mail::apm::after_mount {
} {
This is a comment about what this proc does
} {
ns_log Notice "J9: in bulk_mail::apm::after_mount"
Then I created an after_mount callback for bulk-mail in the APM, using bulk-mail::apm::after_mount as the proc name, and restarted the site. There are no errors in the error log, but my ns_log is not being executed.
What else do I need to do?