Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Maintainer of current photo-album package?

Posted by Roberto Mello on
If only we were using arch...

Anyone could make modifications of any package and the maintainer (or anyone else) could just synch the desired changeset to get the functionality/changes/fixes.

Maybe someday 😊


Posted by Bart Teeuwisse on

while arch is a better CMS in the making than CVS it is no substitute for a package maintainer. The problem is not how to fork a package or how to get bits and pieces of a fork back into the canonial package. But rather the lack of a package maintainer who would use tools like arch or CVS to keep the canonial package up to date.


Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
Bart, tell it to Linus. :) He was and is the primary "package maintainer" for the Linux kernel, but switched to a better version control system, one rather like Arch, in order to be able to accept more patches with less work. And to allow others to do the same as well.