There is a
thread that seems to indicate that nested db_multirow works, but I can't find the patches it's talking about, or an example of how the adp file should look like. I'm using something like this in my tcl file:
db_multirow -extend {submulti} multi sql { ** } {
template::multirow create sub1 stuff
for {...} {...} {...} {
template::multirow append sub1 $value
set submulti [template::util::multirow_to_list sub1]
For the adp, I have a multiple tag with a name of "multi" and inside it another multiple tag with a name of "submulti", but when I do that I get an error about not being able to read "submulti:rowcount". I tried printing "multi" using multirow_to_list and it looked fine so it seems the problem is with the adp file.
So my question is, is it possible to create nested multiple tags in adp, and if so, how? In my case the data in the nested multirow does not come from a DB, but is computed in tcl.
If that's not possible, what are some of the work-arounds?