Forum .LRN Q&A: IEEE conference on Advanced Learning Technologies

This is a very interesting IEEE conference to be held in Finland Aug 30- Sept 1, 2004. In particular it has a workshop on Technology for Education in developing Countries. I don't think I can go, but I would like to work on a case-tudies paper with someone in the dotRLN community who would be able to be there.
Theme: “Crafting Learning Within Context”

For many years now, researchers and practitioners have advocated views of learning as happening within various forms of contexts such as those embodying problem-based, scenario-based, cognitive, meta-cognitive, social, linguistic, cultural, artefact, and authentic task elements. The conference theme focuses on the crafting of such learning experiences enabled or mediated by technology that enacts authentic contexts for the learning and doing to take place. We especially welcome papers that study the contextualization and the concretization of learning.

We invite submissions of for-peer-reviewed papers of original academic or industrial research on Advanced Learning Technologies that contribute to the future research agenda of Technology-Enhanced Learning.

All accepted Full and Short Papers and Poster Extended Summaries, will appear in a single volume to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for a Special Issue of the Journal of Educational Technology & Society (ISSN 1436-4522). Special Conferences in conjuction with ICALT IEEE 2nd International Workshop onTechnology for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC) Conference on Educational Technology in Cultural Context (ETCC)

Posted by Jamie Rasmussen on
I presented a short paper on an OpenACS-based website at ICALT 2002, and had several good conversations with people interested in alternatives to their current LMS.  There were some interesting presentations on metadata, assessment, agent-based systems, etc.  I think the link above should be to  I wish I could go!
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
I'd love to go as this is a topic which is fairly close to my heart, despite the fact that I'm not a researcher. So in any case, I'm more than collaborate on an article, especially as it could become part of an OpenACS book. And I definitly like the title ;).

Especially the topics match a lot with what .LRN is all about and we should therefore definitly try to include a paper. It would be great if we could not only focus on the distance learning aspect, but also on the easy accessibility, freedom of usage and the support for multiple languages and maybe even cultural background (just thinking about the right to left phenomenon, or last_name, first_names order that has been implemented or will be).

But we should look into the work of the universities of Birzeit and Galileo as they would be excellent case studies and can best describe their experiences with the software. So a paper should be build around their experiences, I'd say (sadly, though only for this context, Australia is not a developing country any more).