I am not sure we really need TIPs for site content things
like this since its mostly not a technical issue for
OpenACS per se. I basically think that if someone want to take responsibility for
implementing the functionality on openacs.org
and it gets used then great.
We don't use openacs.org enough as a test bed for new
functionality (I feel like the biggest improvements in forums, bug tracker, notifications, etc came as a consequence of all
of us using the packages). If you want to implement something you think would be useful on openacs.org go ahead (the stuff
Bart has done with irc logging and his new cvs frontend to cvsweb/viewcvs are good examples of this).
Its also why it's so important to get openacs.org back to the head. We are not really using the current head code here and
I think the additional scrutiny and having to eat our own dogfood (frankly bad tasting in some cases) would translate to a much improved toolkit. Nothing else improves things faster than having us all using the code.
Things that might be great to have on openacs.org include
wp, Jade's project manager, Dave's wiki stuff, project blogs, my cvs browser (integrated with bug tracker would be even better), photobook (once there is a postgres port), and
many more that I can't think of off the top of my head.
I would love to see an "Open Source Intranet" that helped
bring together the things Dirk and Malte (and Joel) have mentioned in one place, consolidating blogs, bug tracker, forums, etc and making it all much more useful in keeping people informed, coordinating work, and ultimately making it
a testimony to the power of the toolkit for building communities.