I was not able to reproduce the policy3 error but the unknown variable 'myvar' still exists even with a new Form and FormPages.
You can reproduce it this way. Create a new form:
template:leave empty
<div class="form-item-wrapper">
<div class="form-label">Alternativen
<div class="form-widget">Alt 1
<input type="checkbox" value="t" name="a1" /> Alt 2
<input type="checkbox" value="t" name="a2" />
@cr_fields:hidden a1:boolean a2:boolean
Now create a new formpage but only check one of the two boxes. If you view the page everything is still fine.
now go back to form and add this to the form template:
@a1@ @a2@
Go back to the formpage. now you should get the message:
**** unknown variable 'a2' **** (::6546417 ::xowiki::FormPage->get_value)
Another problem I found while testing: Go back to form and add this constraint:
When you go to the list view you will see one saying "yes" and one empty. Now edit the formpage and deselect the one selected and go back to the list view. it is still saying yes. go back and select the second save and deselect it and go to list view. now both say "yes".
A third thing I found: If I change to policy3 the list view is not permitted even though I am swa and have admin rights on the xowiki instance.