Hi OpenACS folks... long time since posting AND
Our OACS 3.x systems are working fine...
I want to allow first time visitors without cookies
to come to a certain section of my site say
I want to give them my own private
chocolate chip cookie, totally separate from OACS cookies....
I want to retrieve this cookie at a later date
and I don't care if they have ever registered
or have or don't have an oacs cookie.
In other words... OACS own system is
independent and unrelated to my cookies.
SO my questions:
*1*) How/where do I tell the database that
ANYONE can go to /bobz/ no cookie needed?
Currently going to this directory redirects to Registration.
*2*) How do I set / retrieve cookies....
I was trying to test this but have been
hampered by the redirect to reg issue in *1*
I was hoping to use this pair:
ad_set_client_property -secure f -browser f -deferred f -persistent t "tgn" "bobz" "5"
set bobzcookie [ad_get_client_property -cache t -browser f -cache_only f "tgn" "bobz"]
Or this pair:
ad_set_cookie -expires never "bobz" "5"
set bobzcookie [ad_get_cookie "bobz"]
Recommendations, corrections etc please and thanx!
PS: I asked a similar question almost a year and a
half ago and got some but not all of what I need now: