Hi all,
I am attempting to create a chart showing programming environments and resources of the openacs system (and where they can be accessed/used). The idea is to have it show the various required and optional openacs programming spaces (and resources/libraries etc) used with the system, and their relationships to each other. Why? To help with diagnostics and identifying existing tools etc.
I expect the chart would have a different orientation and be more detailed and specific than this draft chart I made that shows an "openacs system" overview[1].
Here are the areas I have identified (sort of from highest level to lowest).
vuh files?
adp files (mainly html, templating tags, some tcl)
tcl files (mainly tcl, templating content generation, some html)
xql files (sql only, templating content generation)
packages mounted in subsite N (with tcl procs + sql queries and functions)
subsite N
mounted packages (with tcl procs + sql queries and functions)
openacs main site (public) procs + templating + user admin UI/site-map + docs +
openacs kernel + APM based (public) procs and services
includes DB api, SQL, openacs SQL library of queries and functions
request processor (authorization, user permissions)
aolserver(with ns libraries) / tcl interpreter (optional tcllib) (or Java)
Please show me where I am mistaken, how this would best be expressed (most useful) etc. Any suggestions, hints much appreciated.
Also, does calling it "openACS subsystem architecture" seem appropriate, duplicative? Call it "OpenACS Subsystem" view or overview?
1. http://dekka.net/openacs/openacssystemchart.gif (300k)