OK, here's the debugging code we'be put into sendmail.tcl
_ns_smtp_send $wfp "HELO [ns_info hostname]" $timeout
ns_log Warning "XXX HELO [ns_info hostname] $timeout\nFrom >$from<\nTOLIST >$tolist<\nBCCLIST >$bcclist<\n"
This is what we get in return.
Error: ns_sendmail failed: Expected a 250 status line; got:
501 <notification-test1 mailto:SubGroupTestOnly@mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de>>: "@" or "." expected after "notification-test1"^M
[27/Nov/2003:18:14:34][2094.1082857952][-sched:11-] Warning: XXX HELO lrn.jfk.fu-berlin.de 60
From >notification-Re: test1 mailto:SubGroupTestOnly@mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de><
TOLIST >mailto:boylston@zedat.fu-berlin.de<
In this case, the forum is NOT "test1" or "SubGroupTestOnly": this is junk, leftover from earlier groups: I am now using new group names. So, this address is being assembled from leftover goods. Might someone know where this address is being assembled, if not in sendmail.tcl?