Forum OpenACS Q&A: Error trying to run tcl pages

Posted by James Punteney on
I'm trying to get the ACS to run, but when I try to load /index.tcl I get the following error in the server.log file.

[29/May/2000:19:30:39][1145.3076][-conn0-] Error: nsd.tcl: invalid command name "ad_parameter"
invalid command name "ad_parameter"
  while executing
"ad_parameter SpecialIndexPage content"
   invoked from within
"set special_index_page [ad_parameter SpecialIndexPage content]..."
   (file "/web/simplypets/www/index.tcl" line 2)
   invoked from within
"source $file"
   invoked from within
"ns_sourceproc cns0 {}"
[29/May/2000:19:32:40][1145.3076][-conn0-] Notice: exiting: no waiting connections

Obviously I am missing something. Aol server is running fine (it can serve up static pages). PG is working fine, and all the data was imported fine. Any thoughts on what this could be? I'm running RedHat 6.2, AolServer 3.0, and PG 7.0.

Thank in advance.

Posted by Roberto Mello on
Make sure you have the following in your nsd.tcl:
# This is where this server's private Tcl library is. All .tcl files in this directory 
# are parsed when AOLserver starts. The crucial procedures used in OpenACS are
# defined through this library
        ns_param library "/web/${servername}/tcl" 

For a complete nsd.tcl, see (my page, it has a little bug that I need to fix but it works fine since the bug is on a commented line.

Also, make sure that you have this line at the bottom of your nsd.tcl:

# To Source OpenACS Config File. You need a yourservername.tcl file in the
# OpenACS parameters dir. e.g.: say your server name is ``server1'' then you'd need a
# file named server1.tcl. (Hint: Rename ad.tcl to yourservername.tcl and edit it.)

source /web/${servername}/parameters/${servername}.tcl

ad_parameter is a proc defined in the ACS Tcl library files so you need these two lines to have a working OpenACS system.

Posted by James Punteney on
Thanks Roberto,  The source line was part of the problem.  The other problem was that the PostGreSQL libraries weren't getting set.  I now have the OpenACS up and working.

Thanks again,