Hello Dave,
Maybe you can jumpstart again this project?
Mark and Carl the primary guys on UI part. Right now we are a bit busy, although I will be getting some time again to help.
Currently right now I would like to revise a bit of the bcms-ui-base and incorporate some stuff from Carl's mockup.
I would like to see how things goes. Please post any updates on the forum on how it goes, since I can't go to Boston.
My opinion regarding the current status of OpenACS cms:
- I think technically the CR is fine in general, maybe tweak here and there. I don't see spending a great deal in improving in CR will do any good.
- an uber UI should not be aimed, as it seems to be a high goal. A nice default UI for oacs should be to aim for.
- reusable pieces maybe better, rather than a reusable piece.