Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Win32-OpenACS Version 1.8
Last time i checked, it worked fine.
I'll send you the log file I get with Oracle.
Perhaps you can understand what's happening.
Cheers and thanks,
actually, there were four different errors in the log file:
a) ORACLE_HOME not set
[21/Apr/2008:21:07:50][5000.4828][-conn:0-] Error: Error sourcing c:/aolserver/servers/openacs/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/install.tcl: (read trace on "env(env)") invoked from within "file join $env(ORACLE_HOME) bin sqlplus"
i can't say how serious this is, since surprisingly, most stuff is loaded correctly. With this problem, "db_source_sql_file" is be broken.
Do you have the environment variable ORACLE_HOME set?
b) incorrect path:
[21/Apr/2008:21:12:34][2460.5568][-conn:0-] Notice: Loading data file c:/aolserver/servers/openacs/packages/ref-timezones/sql/oracl e/00-timezones.ctl... [21/Apr/2008:21:12:35][2460.5568][-conn:0-] Notice: SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Apr 21 21:12:35 2008[21/Apr/2008:21:12:35][2460.5568][-conn:0-] Notice: Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. [21/Apr/2008:21:12:35][2460.5568][-conn:0-] Error: apm_package_install: Error installing Reference Data - Timezone version 5.4.1: SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file (s2cs.) SQL*Loader-553: file not found SQL*Loader-509: System error: The system cannot find the file specified. SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file (s2cs.) SQL*Loader-553: file not found SQL*Loader-509: System error: The system cannot find the file specified. while executing "close $fd" (procedure "db_load_sql_data" line 32) invoked from within "db_load_sql_data -callback $callback $path/$file_path" (procedure "apm_package_install_data_model" line 52) invoked from within "apm_package_install_data_model -callback $callback -data_model_files $data_model_files $spec_file_path" invoked from within
Here "db_load_sql_data" fails, which loads CSV formatted data. In the concrete case, it fails to load Timezone data, which has no immediate problem on loading the packages, but will cause troubles later. I would suggest that you add an "ns_log notice ..." statement to output the "file" which it tries to open, which the code assumes that it exists.
Most likely, you should see the same error under postgres.
(c) tsearch 2
21/Apr/2008:21:18:48][4860.3732][-conn:4-] Notice: ********** STARTING BEFORE-INSTALL CALLBACK **************** [21/Apr/2008:21:18:48][4860.3732][-conn:4-] Error: nsoracle.c:3905:<unknown>: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00942: table or view do es not existSQL: select typname from !>>>!pg_type where typname='tsvector' [21/Apr/2008:21:18:48][4860.3732][-conn:4-] Error: apm_package_install: Error installing Tsearch2 Driver version 5.4.1: nsoracle.c:3905 :<unknown>: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Don't install tsearch2 under Oracle, this is postgres only. For Oracle, there is the "intermedia" driver for full text search. Last time i tried to install that under Oracle, it did not work out of the box, but worked after some more tweaks, but i was not sure if that was a local installation problem. I think that people at UNED work on that issue for the forthcoming release, so i would suggest that you wait for this.
d) categories:
[21/Apr/2008:21:19:29][4860.3732][-conn:4-] Notice: --try en:categories-portlet -> 0, ::818 ::xowiki::Package->resolve_request (395ms, 0ms) [21/Apr/2008:21:19:29][4860.3732][-conn:4-] Error: nsoracle.c:3905:<unknown>: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00904: "WIDGET": invalid identifierSQL: select tree_id, subtree_category_id, assign_single_p, require_category_p, !>>>!widget from category_tree_map where object_id = :object_id
This is the error, you saw in XoWiki, but this is a problem with categories. We had some discussing already about the column "widget" that was introduced lately
It seems to me, as if the installed data model does NOT contain the column "widget" in the category_tree_map, but the query does. Maybe an incomplete rollback, since it seems to work under postgres?
What version of categories do you use?
The good news is that XoWiki seems to work well.
thanks for your help. My answers/comments here below.
a) ORACLE_HOME not set
[MM] True. In the first run this variable wasn't set. But then I fixed this problem and I restarted the server.
b) incorrect path:
[MM] This a real problem. It seams that Timezone package requires some changes. Is this an Oracle or a Windows vrs. Linux problem?
(c) tsearch 2
[MM] Correct, my mistake. No need to install this.
d) categories:
[MM] This is another real problem. Categories seem to be working with Postgresql while they don't with Oracle.
The end result of points b) and d) is that XoWiki shows some error messages (though not directly generated by XoWiki itself).
The problem I see is that not all the packages/extensions work in the same way when running on Oracle or on Postgresql.
Cheers and once again many thanks,
Concerning (b): please add the log statement as indicated in my last posting to see which files are searched where.
concerning (d): please tell me the version of categories you are using.
btw, xotcl has only problems with (d), when categories are used. But this is just a nit, we want to get a full working system.
about point (b) the function seems to attempt the proper file (i.e. the file name is correct).
What I noticed is that there's a difference between the Postgresql and Oracle caes about how the file names are built.... may be this is the cause of the problem.....
please have a look at the following code:
d_proc -public db_load_sql_data {{
-dbn ""
-callback apm_ns_write_callback
} file } {
Loads a CSV formatted file into a table using PostgreSQL's COPY command or
Oracle's SQL*Loader utility. The file name format consists of a sequence
number used to control the order in which tables are loaded, and the table
name with "-" replacing "_". This is a bit of a kludge but greatly speeds
the loading of large amounts of data, such as is done when various "ref-*"
packages are installed.
@param dbn The database name to use. If empty_string, uses the default database.
@file Filename in the format dd-table-name.ctl where 'dd' is a sequence number
used to control the order in which data is loaded. This file is an
RDBMS-specific data loader control file.
} {
switch [db_driverkey $dbn] {
oracle {
global env
set user_pass [db_get_sql_user -dbn $dbn]
set tmpnam [ns_tmpnam]
set fd [open $file r]
set file_contents [read $fd]
close $fd
set file_contents [subst $file_contents]
set fd1 [open "${tmpnam}.ctl" w]
puts $fd1 $file_contents
close $fd1
cd [file dirname $file]
set fd [open "|[file join $env(ORACLE_HOME) bin sqlldr] userid=$user_pass control=$tmpnam" "r"]
while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
# Don't bother writing out lines which are purely whitespace.
if { ![string is space $line] } {
apm_callback_and_log $callback "[ad_quotehtml $line]\n"
close $fd
postgresql {
global tcl_platform
set pguser [db_get_username]
if { ![string equal $pguser ""] } {
set pguser "-U $pguser"
set pgport [db_get_port]
if { ![string equal $pgport ""] } {
set pgport "-p $pgport"
set pgpass [db_get_password]
if { ![string equal $pgpass ""] } {
set pgpass "<<$pgpass"
if { [string equal [db_get_dbhost] "localhost"] || [string equal [db_get_dbhost] ""] } {
set pghost ""
} else {
set pghost "-h [db_get_dbhost]"
set fd [open $file r]
set copy_command [subst -nobackslashes [read $fd]]
close $fd
set copy_file [ns_mktemp /tmp/psql-copyfile-XXXXXX]
set fd [open $copy_file "CREAT EXCL WRONLY" 0600]
puts $fd $copy_command
close $fd
if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } {
set fp [open "|[file join [db_get_pgbin] psql] -f $copy_file $pghost $pgport $pguser [db_get_database]" "r"]
} else {
set fp [open "|[file join [db_get_pgbin] psql] -f $copy_file $pghost $pgport $pguser [db_get_database] $pgpass" "r"]
while { [gets $fp line] >= 0 } {
# Don't bother writing out lines which are purely whitespace.
if { ![string is space $line] } {
apm_callback_and_log $callback "[ad_quotehtml $line]\n"
# PSQL dumps errors and notice information on stderr, and has no option to turn
# this off. So we have to chug through the "error" lines looking for those that
# really signal an error.
set errno [ catch {
close $fp
} error]
# remove the copy file.
file delete -force $copy_file
if { $errno == 2 } {
return $error
# Just filter out the "NOTICE" lines, so we get the stack dump along with real
# ERRORs. This could be done with a couple of opaque-looking regexps...
set error_found 0
foreach line [split $error "\n"] {
if { [string first NOTICE $line] == -1 } {
append error_lines "$line\n"
set error_found [expr { $error_found || [string first ERROR $line] != -1 || \
[string first FATAL $line] != -1 } ]
if { $error_found } {
global errorCode
return -code error -errorinfo $error_lines -errorcode $errorCode $error_lines
nsodbc {
error "db_load_sql_data is not supported for this database."
default {
error "db_load_sql_data is not supported for this database."
About point (d) the version of Categories I'm using is 1.1.2d3 .
Hope it helps,
Seems as if the following sequence leads to the problem
set fd [open "|[file join $env(ORACLE_HOME) bin sqlldr] userid=$user_pass control=$tmpnam" "r"]... close $fd
Do you have the sqlldr under [file join $env(ORACLE_HOME) bin sqlldr]
Are the provded parameters ok (e.g. the $tmpnam)?
Concerning (d): You are using the head version of categories, where it seems, that the column "widget" was not added in the Oracle version. Although i hate add something to CVS, which i cannot test, i added the column in the Oracle creation procs. Please get the head version from CVS and test it with Oracle. If the error is gone, i will apply the same fix to the oacs-5-4 branch, which has apparently the same problem.
1. The first problem was due to $tmpnam (which was wrong: in Vista you can't write files wherever you want).
To fix it I had to introduce the following change:
# set tmpnam [ns_tmpnam]
set tmpnam [ns_mktemp /tmp/ctl-XXXXXX]
2. Your correction to the categories Oracle creation procs worked.
Thanks a lot for your help!
i count current 77 occurrences of ns_tmpnam in OpenACS and its packages. These places will have the same problem, so the fix is not sufficient in the general case. Since ns_tmpnam is implemented in C, it is most probably the best solution to address the problem in the aolserver implementation. Again, as i do not have a WIN32 environment, please test the following replacement of NsTclTmpNamObjCmd() in aolserver/nsd/tclfile.c. With this fix, set tmpnam [ns_tmpnam]
should be ok again.
-gustaf neumann
int NsTclTmpNamObjCmd(ClientData arg, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) { #ifdef WIN32 /* The WIN32 implmentation of tmpnam() ignores the environment variable TMP and generates filenames for the root directory. Unfortunately, new WIN versions (Vista) don't allow this. The suggested replacement is _tempnam(). The first argument of _tempnam() is the default directory, in case the environment variable TMP is not set or points to a directory that does not exist. */ char *buf = _tempnam("/tmp", NULL); if (buf == NULL) { Tcl_SetResult(interp, "could not generate temporary filename.", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } /* The documentation says that _tempnam() allocates memory via malloc(); to be sure, that the "right" free() is used, we do not use TCL_DYNAMIC but the TCL_VOLATILE followed by the manual free(). */ Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE); free(buf); #else char buf[L_tmpnam]; if (tmpnam(buf) == NULL) { Tcl_SetResult(interp, "could not generate temporary filename.", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE); #endif return TCL_OK; }