Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: I can't get applets chunk sorted (i18n)

Posted by Michael Cordova on
So, it's sorting it based on the message keys.
I've also tried to append the translation, doing that:
set applet_pretty_name [dotlrn_community::applet_call $applet_key GetPrettyName]
template::multirow append active_applets $applet_key $applet_pretty_name "[_ $applet_pretty_name]"

but I got the same order, based on english name (i.ex. assesment_applet is always the first one, although in spanish should be third or fourth)


Ok, after reading twice your message and my code, I understood what was wrong.

[...] converting it to a list of lists and then use lang::util::localize_list_of_lists

What I've done is...

set aa_list [template::util::multirow_to_list active_applets]
set aa_list_localized [lang::util::localize_list_of_lists -list $aa_list]
template::util::list_to_multirow active_applets $aa_list_localized

And it works! Thanks.