I've been diving into CR pretty heavily and at DaveB's suggestion am looking at BCMS. It looks great - I have just one question - did bcms0.3 break the bcms-ui pieces?
Just curious because I got all three and it seems like you must have changed the API somewhat - for example with bcms-ui-wizard I get this errror:
Too many positional parameters specified
while executing
(procedure "bcms::item::get_item_by_url" line 1)
invoked from within
"bcms::item::get_item_by_url -root_id $root_folder_id -url "pages" -resolve_index false"
invoked from within
"array set pages_folder [bcms::item::get_item_by_url -root_id $root_folder_id -url "pages" -resolve_index false]"
("uplevel" body line 25)
invoked from within
"uplevel {
set root_folder_id [bcms::folder::get_bcms_root_folder]
Are the changes widespread or fairly isolated? I'd be willing to lend a hand to bring the bcms-ui bits up to the new API ...