Forum OpenACS Q&A: adding tags to Xinha

Posted by Matthew Smith on
I am trying to cut and paste tags like this into a XOWiki page through the Xinha editor:

{{toc -style "" -open_page "" -book_mode false -ajax true -expand_all false -remove_levels 0 -category_id}}

However, they are getting wrapped in a "pre" tag and not getting interpreted. If I type the tags in by hand, they get interpreted.

Why is it doing this?

2: Re: adding tags to Xinha (response to 1)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
prepend a backslash in front of the double opening braces to avoid its 'wiki' interpretation. See as well

PRE is an HTML tag. XOWiki's markup (essentially includes (double curly braces), links (double square braces) and block markers) is independent from HTML tags.

3: Re: adding tags to Xinha (response to 2)
Posted by Matthew Smith on
Thank you for the response.