Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Res: New package: MAPS (Google Maps integration)

Posted by Eduardo Santos on
Hi Jose,

I don't know if we have something like a public demo, but you can access our test server and see it working in our organizations position maping. Take a look at this address:

Post here if you have any doubts.


Sorry, Eduardo. I think of the server is down.


I installed from svn. This is great, Jose.

Can you give us an example of your callback implementation?

My install failed on this line in maps-create.sql because I do not run postgresql as the "postgres" user.

I just commented out line 18:
-- ALTER TABLE maps OWNER TO postgres;

Hi Ryan,

I`m glad you like it. Sorry about these lines; I`m going to remve these from the code.

Actually it`s very simple to write a callback. It`s based on the object_type you want to map. Take a look at the file /tcl/maps-callback-procs.tcl and see the implementations for organization and dotlrn_community. The callback must supply the following fields:

-object_id: The Id of maped object
-url: The URL to access this object (maybe somebody could use the service contract API to get it)
-pname: Object name
-message: Localized message to access this object, meaning something like "Access this object"

These parameter must be upvar'd in an array named map_info.

To insert a maped object, access the link maps_instance/admin and see the options.

Post here if you have any doubts

Ooops. Sorry, my fault. It seems like Apache is doing some nasty redirection. I'm going to fix it at any time and you can access it. Sorry.