i am facing a problem with the selection of the radio button
i am using
tclwebtest::field select "Yes"
This is the error
This field has no choice Yes. It's only offerings are: {Y { } orgn_contact_search:elements:alumni:Y} {N { } orgn_contact n_contact_search:elements:alumni:D}
the form page here is built by the ad_form,
this error occurs because the ad_form templating generates the radio button like
<tr><td> <input type="radio" name="alumni" value="Y" id="orgn_contact_search:elements:alumni:Y" checked /> </td>
<td><label for="orgn_contact_search:elements:alumni:Y">Yes</label></td></tr>
i need a help please did any body used for the test cases for the radio button with the ad_form templating system
thanks a lot