Frank, actually I think your newsletters are Extremely valuable. A lot of stuff gets into them that doesn't get into the forums, and it's a good summary of community activity.
One thing I've been thinking about is how to reduce the amount of burden it takes to monitor what's going on in this community.
I've been burned before by not being subscribed to the dotLRN forum, for example, even though I don't work with it.
One idea I had recently is for volunteers to post weekly forum summaries in a separate Summary forum. A volunteer could have a weekly newsletter which summarizes developements in the dotLRN forum, the CMS forum, the dev forum, and the Q&A forum. Your newsletter would be a good complement to that, I think.
The big question is whether anyone is willing to step forward and do this. Your newsletter, or the Debian newsletters would be a good model for this. Just a simple summary of discussion.
Oh, and a weekly TIP forum summary would be excellent too!