Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS bi-weekly Newsletter, 2003-12-18

Posted by Frank N. on

This will be the last issue of the newsletter for this year. Currently I am debating the future of the newsletter with my self, because I suspect many of you will agree with me, that the way it works now may have to change. Possibly due to the erratic schedule I have managed to generate, then people seems to prefer posting whatever interesting bits of info they may have in the forums themselves.

This is of course perfectly OK, yet this means, that for the newsletter to be generally interesting and worth reading, I might have to spend a more concentrated effort towards gathering and summarizing news in which ever way I can. The question remains if the time might be better spend on my part working with OpenACS instead of just writing about it. Comments highly welcome. Many seems to like the idea of a newsletter, but how should it work?

Now on with the show.

Jade Rubick must be monitoring his inbox constantly, because yet again he was first off the bat with a quick note, that he has posted an update on the Project Manager.

Joel Aufrecht

Status of OpenACS 5.0/dotLRN 2.0

We are down to a very small number of blocking bugs, but still have two blocking milestone criteria: upgrades and translations. Both are being actively worked on. To answer the common question of when:

Our release schedule is a three-variable equation: work, resources, and time. Since we will hold up the release until we meet our quality standards, we have an invariant amount of work. Therefore, since resources are largely volunteer and hence variable, time is variable.

Monthly Code Bash

We are starting up a rotating once-a-month northern European weekend code bash; we would like to hold the next one in Berlin in January and IMHO the integration of tclwebtest into automated testing is OpenACS's #1 post-5.0 priority and a good candidate for a code bash. It would be cool if we had several simultaneous code bashes around the world each month.

Bart Teeuwisse

Still working on an Emacs OACS mode, which is coming along nicely. But as development of this mode is done in my spare time it progresses in (random) bursts.

Brad Buell just passed an Oracle port of the Authorize payment gateway along. Expect this to be merged into the OpenACS CVS by the end of this week.

Happy holidays,

Bart Teeuwisse

Lars Pind

Blogger Hacking Weekend

We had a productive weekend working on blogger on HEAD. See details here.

State Of The Codebase

Daily files commited/touched in HEAD by all committers:
2003-11-25 :: 148
2003-11-26 :: 165
2003-11-27 :: 54
2003-11-28 :: 46
2003-11-29 :: 84
2003-11-30 :: 40
2003-12-01 :: 33
2003-12-02 :: 78
2003-12-03 :: 81
2003-12-04 :: 126
2003-12-05 :: 67
2003-12-06 :: 92
2003-12-07 :: 67
2003-12-08 :: 0
2003-12-09 :: 286
2003-12-10 :: 138
2003-12-11 :: 33
2003-12-12 :: 690
2003-12-13 :: 132
2003-12-14 :: 115
2003-12-15 :: 137
2003-12-16 :: 187
2003-12-17 :: 228


Submitted: 1306 (up 80).
Open: 304 (up 14).
Closed+resolved: 1002 (up 66).


Submitted: 402.
Open: 65 (up 9).


Posted by Jade Rubick on
Frank, actually I think your newsletters are Extremely valuable. A lot of stuff gets into them that doesn't get into the forums, and it's a good summary of community activity.

One thing I've been thinking about is how to reduce the amount of burden it takes to monitor what's going on in this community.

I've been burned before by not being subscribed to the dotLRN forum, for example, even though I don't work with it.

One idea I had recently is for volunteers to post weekly forum summaries in a separate Summary forum. A volunteer could have a weekly newsletter which summarizes developements in the dotLRN forum, the CMS forum, the dev forum, and the Q&A forum. Your newsletter would be a good complement to that, I think.

The big question is whether anyone is willing to step forward and do this. Your newsletter, or the Debian newsletters would be a good model for this. Just a simple summary of discussion.

Oh, and a weekly TIP forum summary would be excellent too!

Posted by Tracy Adams on
Frank, great job on the newletter.  I was TRILLED to see this in my inbox this morning. I agree with Jade in that I'd much rather see it expand rather than contract.

There are people that read every post and are highly involved with the community every day.  So they tend to almost just "know" all the information.  For the rest, the synopsis is extemely valuable.

Also, the "big picture" view and history value is very helpful in Succinctly conveying what is going on and what needs to be done.

Posted by Ben Koot on
Hi Jade,

If you need someone with lots of time, just let me know how I can help. It's no problem to combine newsletter work with my newbie work on

The e-commerce module has a newsletter registration function. Maybe it's an idea to start using that for management functions.



Posted by Ben Koot on
I meant to address this to Frank ofcourse