Forum OpenACS Development: Update properties during runtime of IMS-LD package

Hi everybody!

I need update some properties defined during design time of the an IMS-LD. These properties are updated during the runtime. Could somebody please, say me if this update can generates some problems with the runtime instance?? Is this possible? In which conditions?

Thanks in advanced.


Posted by Derick Leony on
Hi Jeimy,

The IMS-LD properties can be updated at runtime through the run monitor, in the package administration.

Updating a property may change the state of the run, depending on the conditions and dependencies related to it.



Thanks Derick,
I also have a doubt about the how IMS-LD package save some data for example if I have defined objectives in an activity in a XML file. Where and how this information is saved? Do you know?
Could you please, give me some information about it?



Yes, they are treated as imsld_items so they are stored in the CR with content_type "imsld_item" and related through an acs_rel with an "imsld_learning_objective" item, which is referenced from imsld_learning_activities.

There is also a reference table called imsld_learning_objectives which only stores the objective_id and its title.

Here is the E-R diagram of IMS-LD, level A:*checkout*/openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/doc/ch04s01.html

and you'd probably like to check imsld/sql/postgresql/imsld-level-a-create.sql and the proc imsld::parse::parse_and_create_learning_objective in imsld/tcl/imsld-parse-procs.tcl

Thank you very much Derick.
