Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Res: Re: Update properties during runtime of IMS-LD package

Thanks Derick,
I also have a doubt about the how IMS-LD package save some data for example if I have defined objectives in an activity in a XML file. Where and how this information is saved? Do you know?
Could you please, give me some information about it?



Yes, they are treated as imsld_items so they are stored in the CR with content_type "imsld_item" and related through an acs_rel with an "imsld_learning_objective" item, which is referenced from imsld_learning_activities.

There is also a reference table called imsld_learning_objectives which only stores the objective_id and its title.

Here is the E-R diagram of IMS-LD, level A:*checkout*/openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/doc/ch04s01.html

and you'd probably like to check imsld/sql/postgresql/imsld-level-a-create.sql and the proc imsld::parse::parse_and_create_learning_objective in imsld/tcl/imsld-parse-procs.tcl

Thank you very much Derick.
