Forum OpenACS Q&A: where to get PostgreSQL 7.4.1 rpm?

Where the heck do I find rpms for PostgreSQL 7.4.1? I want to install 7.4.1 on a Red Hat 7.3 (kept patched via up2date). Or should I just install Postgres from source?
Posted by Torben Brosten on
looks like there is a source version 7.4 for mandrake, but no 7.4.x for redhat yet.

Posted by Lamar Owen on
As soon as I get back from vacation I plan on posting 7.4.1 RPMs for Red Hat.  If you absolutely must have it before then, install from source.  My apologies for the delay; I just simply had to take a break.
Posted by Lamar Owen on
The Red Hat 7.3 RPMset is not yet ready, but I have Fedora Core 1, RHEL3, and Aurora 1.0 binaries built and uploaded to  The source RPM is at

Sander Steffann builds the RHL 7.3 packages; I have notified him of the source RPM availability, and he will get to it when he can get to it.  Since he is in Europe I expect him to get it by Monday morning; although he's pretty good at getting things done quickly.  I no longer have a RHL 7.3 box to do the builds on.

My apologies for the delay; the holidays plus vacation plus going back to work plus finding out that my wife and I are having our fifth child kindof took the front burner, and building RPMs took the back.

Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
On the contrary, thank you very much for doing this in such a reasonably timely fashion!
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Not to forget: Congratulations to your fifth child!
Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
Well the Red Hat 7.3 rpms appear to by on the primary PostgreSQL ftp server since Jan. 9, but that server is almost impossible to conect to, it's always "too busy", and none of the US or Canadian mirrors have those files! Anybody know why? Are these available for download anywhere else?
Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
Downloading the PostgreSQL 7.4.2 rpms for Red Hat 7.3 now seems to work fine. Whatever the problem was with the Postgres FTP server before, it's gone now. Btw, the following wget command is handy for just yanking down all 10 or 12 rpms at once, and is idempotent (you can re-run it many times if necessary):

wget -r -c -l2 --no-parent -A.rpm