Given the examples you gave, I wrote the following Tcl procedure that do what you want:
proc pretty_pg_date {pg_date} {
set pgtime [clock scan $pg_date]
set now [ns_time]
set diff [expr $now - $pgtime]
if {$diff < 0} {
set diff [expr abs($diff)]
set neighbor Tomorrow
set neighbor_day -86400
} else {
set neighbor Yesterday
set neighbor_day 86400
# 31536000 seconds in a 365-day year
if {$diff > 31536000} {
return [ns_fmttime $pgtime "%A, %b %e, %Y"]
set pg_day_of_year [ns_fmttime $pgtime %j]
set now_day_of_year [ns_fmttime $now %j]
if {[string compare $pg_day_of_year $now_day_of_year] == 0} {
return "Today at [string trimleft [ns_fmttime $pgtime %I:%M%p] 0]"
set neighbor_day_of_year [ns_fmttime [expr $pgtime + $neighbor_day] %j]
if {[string compare $now_day_of_year $neighbor_day_of_year] == 0} {
return "$neighbor at [string trimleft [ns_fmttime $pgtime %I:%M%p] 0]"
switch -- [ns_fmttime $pgtime %d] {
01 -
21 -
31 { set suffix st }
02 -
22 { set suffix nd }
03 { set suffix rd }
default { set suffix th }
return [ns_fmttime $pgtime "%A, %b %e"]$suffix
This will only work on AOLserver 3.0 (since AOLserver 2.3 is Tcl 7.4-based, and the clock scan command wasn't added until Tcl 7.6). It also only works on dates between the start of the epoch, up through integer overflow (ie January 1, 1970 sometime in August(?) of 2038).