I just wanted to brief people on what is involved in bringing translations on the translation server over to the 5.0 branch:
1. First we need to fix the broken acs-lang upgrade test case on the Oracle test server. My suspicion is that the cause of the failure is a violation of the lang_messages_audit_pk constraint which is on (package_key, message_key, locale, overwrite_date). I suppose it is the overwrite_date that is identical for two inserts although I would have thought that sysdate would be granular enough for this not to happen. A fix would be to make lang_messages_audit use an integer primary key instead. Making this change should be straightforward and shouldn't be more than 1 work day.
2. Merge the latest message catalog files on the 5.0 branch with the translations on the translation server. This involves importing the 5.0 catalog files to the translation server, resolve any conflicts in the acs-lang admin UI, and then export the result and commit it on the 5.0 branch. After that we should run my catalog consistency check script on the 5.0 branch and see if any keys should be removed or are missing. I think it's best if I do this and I think we're looking at another work day.