Forum OpenACS Q&A: nsopenssl, OACS 5.0.0b4 login problem

I have been trying to install OACS 5.0.0b4 for the past few days. I have followed the install instrudions for the following configuration:
  • RH 8.0
  • PG7.4
  • OpenACS 5.0.0b4 (tarball)
  • AOLserver 3.3oacs1 (from link in install instructions)
  • nsopenssl 2.1a
  • OpenFTS TCL 0.3.2
  • Daemontools 0.76
The main page opens fine, however, when I click on the Login link, the browser seems to try to go to http://X.X.X.X:8010/register instead of https://X.X.X.X:8443/register. When I manually go to https://X.X.X.X:8443/register it works fine. I did a search and found this thread. The problem seems the same, however, the solution did not work in my case. Any ideas? Thank you for you help. Here is my config.tcl
ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: starting to read config file..."

# Instance-specific settings 
# These default settings will only work in limited circumstances
# Two servers with default settings cannot run on the same host

# change to 80 and 443 for production use
set httpport                  8010
set httpsport                 8443 

# The hostname and address should be set to actual values.
#set hostname                  [ns_info hostname]
#set address                   [ns_info address]
set hostname        
set address         

set server                    "itest" 
set servername                "itest"

set serverroot                "/var/lib/aolserver/${server}"

# which database do you want? postgres or oracle
set database              postgres 

set db_name               $server

if { $database == "oracle" } {
    set db_password           "mysitepassword"
} else {
    set db_host               localhost
    set db_port               ""
    set db_user               $server

# if debug is false, all debugging will be turned off
set debug true

set homedir                   /usr/local/aolserver
set bindir                    [file dirname [ns_info nsd]] 

# which modules should be loaded?  Missing modules break the server, so
# don't uncomment modules unless they have been installed.

ns_section ns/server/${server}/modules 
ns_param   nssock             ${bindir}/ 
ns_param   nslog              ${bindir}/ 
ns_param   nssha1             ${bindir}/ 
ns_param   nscache            ${bindir}/ 
ns_param   nsrewrite          ${bindir}/ 

# nsopenssl will fail unless the cert files are present as specified
# later in this file, so it's disabled by default
ns_param   nsopenssl          ${bindir}/

# Full Text Search
ns_param   nsfts              ${bindir}/

# PAM authentication
#ns_param   nspam              ${bindir}/

# LDAP authentication
#ns_param   nsldap             ${bindir}/

# These modules aren't used in standard OpenACS installs
#ns_param   nsperm             ${bindir}/ 
#ns_param   nscgi              ${bindir}/ 
#ns_param   nsjava             ${bindir}/

if { [ns_info version] >= 4 } {
    # Required for AOLserver 4.x
    ns_param   nsdb               ${bindir}/
} else {
    # Required for AOLserver 3.x
    ns_param   libtdom            ${bindir}/

# Rollout email support
# These procs help manage differing email behavior on 
# dev/staging/production.

ns_section ns/server/${server}/acs/acs-rollout-support

# EmailDeliveryMode can be:
#   default:  Email messages are sent in the usual manner.
#   log:      Email messages are written to the server's error log.
#   redirect: Email messages are redirected to the addresses specified 
#             by the EmailRedirectTo parameter.  If this list is absent 
#             or empty, email messages are written to the server's error log.
#   filter:   Email messages are sent to in the usual manner if the 
#             recipient appears in the EmailAllow parameter, otherwise they 
#             are logged.

#ns_param   EmailDeliveryMode redirect
#ns_param   EmailRedirectTo    somenerd@yourdomain.test, othernerd@yourdomain.test
#ns_param   EmailAllow         somenerd@yourdomain.test,othernerd@yourdomain.test

# End of instance-specific settings 
# Nothing below this point need be changed in a default install.

# AOLserver's directories. Autoconfigurable. 

# Where are your pages going to live ?
set pageroot                  ${serverroot}/www 
set directoryfile             index.tcl,index.adp,index.html,index.htm

# Global server parameters 

ns_section ns/parameters 
ns_param   serverlog          ${serverroot}/log/error.log 
ns_param   home               $homedir 
ns_param   maxkeepalive       0
ns_param   logroll            on
ns_param   maxbackup          5
ns_param   debug              $debug

# Thread library (nsthread) parameters 

ns_section ns/threads 
ns_param   mutexmeter         true      ;# measure lock contention 
# The per-thread stack size must be a multiple of 8k for AOLServer to run under MacOS X
ns_param   stacksize          [expr 128 * 8192]

# MIME types. 
#  Note: AOLserver already has an exhaustive list of MIME types, but in
#  case something is missing you can add it here. 

ns_section ns/mimetypes
ns_param   Default            text/plain
ns_param   NoExtension        text/plain
ns_param   .pcd               image/x-photo-cd
ns_param   .prc               application/x-pilot
ns_param   .xls               application/
ns_param   .doc               application/

# Tcl Configuration 
ns_section ns/server/${server}/tcl
ns_param   library            ${serverroot}/tcl
ns_param   autoclose          on 
ns_param   debug              $debug

# Server-level configuration 
#  There is only one server in AOLserver, but this is helpful when multiple
#  servers share the same configuration file.  This file assumes that only
#  one server is in use so it is set at the top in the "server" Tcl variable
#  Other host-specific values are set up above as Tcl variables, too.

ns_section ns/servers 
ns_param   $server            $servername 

# Server parameters 
ns_section ns/server/${server} 
ns_param   directoryfile      $directoryfile
ns_param   pageroot           $pageroot
ns_param   maxconnections     5
ns_param   maxdropped         0
ns_param   maxthreads         5
ns_param   minthreads         5
ns_param   threadtimeout      120
ns_param   globalstats        false    ;# Enable built-in statistics 
ns_param   urlstats           false    ;# Enable URL statistics 
ns_param   maxurlstats        1000     ;# Max number of URL's to do stats on
#ns_param   directoryadp       $pageroot/dirlist.adp ;# Choose one or the other
#ns_param   directoryproc      _ns_dirlist          ;#  ...but not both!
#ns_param   directorylisting   fancy               ;# Can be simple or fancy

# Special HTTP pages

ns_param   NotFoundResponse   "/global/file-not-found.html"
ns_param   ServerBusyResponse "/global/busy.html"
ns_param   ServerInternalErrorResponse "/global/error.html"

# ADP (AOLserver Dynamic Page) configuration 

ns_section ns/server/${server}/adp 
ns_param   map                /*.adp    ;# Extensions to parse as ADP's 
#ns_param   map                "/*.html" ;# Any extension can be mapped 
ns_param   enableexpire       false     ;# Set "Expires: now" on all ADP's 
ns_param   enabledebug        $debug    ;# Allow Tclpro debugging with "?debug"
ns_param   defaultparser      fancy

ns_section ns/server/${server}/adp/parsers
ns_param   fancy    ".adp"
# Socket driver module (HTTP)  -- nssock 

ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
ns_param   timeout            120
ns_param   address            $address
ns_param   hostname           $hostname
ns_param   port               $httpport

# OpenSSL

ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nsopenssl"

ns_param ModuleDir            ${serverroot}/etc/certs

# NSD-driven connections:
ns_param ServerPort                $httpsport
ns_param ServerHostname            $hostname
ns_param ServerAddress             $address
ns_param ServerCertFile            certfile.pem
ns_param ServerKeyFile             keyfile.pem
ns_param ServerProtocols           "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
ns_param ServerCipherSuite         "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
ns_param ServerSessionCache        false
ns_param ServerSessionCacheID      1
ns_param ServerSessionCacheSize    512
ns_param ServerSessionCacheTimeout 300
ns_param ServerPeerVerify          true
ns_param ServerPeerVerifyDepth     3
ns_param ServerCADir               ca
ns_param ServerCAFile              ca.pem
ns_param ServerTrace               false

# For listening and accepting SSL connections via Tcl/C API:
ns_param SockServerCertFile              certfile.pem
ns_param SockServerKeyFile               keyfile.pem
ns_param SockServerProtocols             "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
ns_param SockServerCipherSuite           "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
ns_param SockServerSessionCache          false
ns_param SockServerSessionCacheID        2
ns_param SockServerSessionCacheSize      512
ns_param SockServerSessionCacheTimeout   300
ns_param SockServerPeerVerify            true
ns_param SockServerPeerVerifyDepth       3
ns_param SockServerCADir                 internal_ca
ns_param SockServerCAFile                internal_ca.pem
ns_param SockServerTrace                 false

# Outgoing SSL connections
ns_param SockClientCertFile              certfile.pem
ns_param SockClientKeyFile               keyfile.pem
ns_param SockClientProtocols             "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
ns_param SockClientCipherSuite           "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
ns_param SockClientSessionCache          false
ns_param SockClientSessionCacheID        3
ns_param SockClientSessionCacheSize      512
ns_param SockClientSessionCacheTimeout   300
ns_param SockClientPeerVerify            true
ns_param SockServerPeerVerifyDepth       3
ns_param SockClientCADir                 ca
ns_param SockClientCAFile                ca.pem
ns_param SockClientTrace                 false

# OpenSSL library support:
#ns_param RandomFile          /some/file
ns_param SeedBytes            1024

# Database drivers 
# The database driver is specified here.
# Make sure you have the driver compiled and put it in {aolserverdir}/bin

ns_section "ns/db/drivers" 
if { $database == "oracle" } {
    ns_param   ora8           ${bindir}/
} else {
    ns_param   postgres       ${bindir}/  ;# Load PostgreSQL driver

# Database Pools: This is how AOLserver  ``talks'' to the RDBMS. You need 
# three for OpenACS: main, log, subquery. Make sure to replace ``yourdb'' 
# and ``yourpassword'' with the actual values for your db name and the 
# password for it, if needed.  

# AOLserver can have different pools connecting to different databases 
# and even different different database servers.
ns_section ns/db/pools 
ns_param   pool1              "Pool 1"
ns_param   pool2              "Pool 2"
ns_param   pool3              "Pool 3"

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool1
ns_param   maxidle            1000000000
ns_param   maxopen            1000000000
ns_param   connections        5
ns_param   verbose            $debug
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   logsqlerrors       $debug
if { $database == "oracle" } {
    ns_param   driver             ora8
    ns_param   datasource         {}
    ns_param   user               $db_name
    ns_param   password           $db_password
} else {
    ns_param   driver             postgres 
    ns_param   datasource         ${db_host}:${db_port}:${db_name}
    ns_param   user               $db_user
    ns_param   password           ""

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool2
ns_param   maxidle            1000000000
ns_param   maxopen            1000000000
ns_param   connections        5
ns_param   verbose            $debug
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   logsqlerrors       $debug
if { $database == "oracle" } {
    ns_param   driver             ora8
    ns_param   datasource         {}
    ns_param   user               $db_name
    ns_param   password           $db_password
} else {
    ns_param   driver             postgres 
    ns_param   datasource         ${db_host}:${db_port}:${db_name}
    ns_param   user               $db_user
    ns_param   password           ""

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool3
ns_param   maxidle            1000000000
ns_param   maxopen            1000000000
ns_param   connections        5
ns_param   verbose            $debug
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   logsqlerrors       $debug
if { $database == "oracle" } {
    ns_param   driver             ora8
    ns_param   datasource         {}
    ns_param   user               $db_name
    ns_param   password           $db_password
} else {
    ns_param   driver             postgres 
    ns_param   datasource         ${db_host}:${db_port}:${db_name}
    ns_param   user               $db_user
    ns_param   password           ""

ns_section ns/server/${server}/db
ns_param   pools              "*" 
ns_param   defaultpool        pool1

ns_section ns/server/${server}/redirects
ns_param   404                "global/file-not-found.html"
ns_param   403                "global/forbidden.html"

# Access log -- nslog 

ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nslog 
ns_param   debug              false
ns_param   dev                false
ns_param   enablehostnamelookup false
ns_param   file               ${serverroot}/log/${server}.log
ns_param   logcombined        true
ns_param   extendedheaders    COOKIE
#ns_param   logrefer           false
#ns_param   loguseragent       false
ns_param   maxbackup          1000
ns_param   rollday            *
ns_param   rollfmt            %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M
ns_param   rollhour           0
ns_param   rollonsignal       true
ns_param   rolllog            true

# nsjava - aolserver module that embeds a java virtual machine.  Needed to 
#          support webmail.  See for further 
#          details. This may need to be updated for OpenACS4 webmail

ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nsjava
ns_param   enablejava         off  ;# Set to on to enable nsjava.
ns_param   verbosejvm         off  ;# Same as command line -debug.
ns_param   loglevel           Notice
ns_param   destroyjvm         off  ;# Destroy jvm on shutdown.
ns_param   disablejitcompiler off  
ns_param   classpath          /usr/local/jdk/jdk118_v1/lib/${bindir}/nsjava.jar:${pageroot}/webmail/java/activation.jar:${pageroot}/webmail/java/mail.jar:${pageroot}/webmail/java 

# CGI interface -- nscgi, if you have legacy stuff. Tcl or ADP files inside 
# AOLserver are vastly superior to CGIs. I haven't tested these params but they
# should be right.

#ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nscgi" 
#       ns_param   map "GET  /cgi-bin/ /web/$server/cgi-bin"
#       ns_param   map "POST /cgi-bin/ /web/$server/cgi-bin" 
#       ns_param   Interps CGIinterps

#ns_section "ns/interps/CGIinterps" 
#       ns_param .pl "/usr/bin/perl"

# PAM authentication

ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nspam
ns_param   PamDomain          "pam_domain"

ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: finished reading config file."

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
It does not solve your problem but should get your site running: Use AOLserver4 and NSopenSSL3 as documented at and at
Posted by Raul Rodriguez on
It seems that the solution was here. Specifically:
 Tom Jackson on Jun 09 2003 00:17:56 

    In addition, make sure you have the following in your nssock section: 

    # If you want your web domain name to be
    # set up the following in you nsd.tcl file:
    # ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nssock"
    # ns_param        port     8000 ;# private port
    # ns_param        hostname ;# external hostname
    # ns_param        address ;# Actual private ip
    # ns_param        location 
    # The location parameter is essential for automatic redirects and for proper
    # use of [ns_conn location], otherwise redirect would go to 

By setting the location ns_param the problem seems to be solved, however, once I log in via ssl and get redirected to the main page, the main page still shows that I am not logged in. If I change to https the main page shows me as being logged in.