Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: OpenACS Knoppix CD: Data needed
I had the same problem to prepare demo data for Project/Open. As a solution, I've created an "Anonymizer" script to be able to "anonymized" (=replace strings with random characters) the data from a productive system. I don't know if that's of help for you. I've attached the script below.
# /www/intranet/anonymize.tcl
ad_page_contract {
Changes all clients, users, prices etc to allow
to convert a productive system into a demo.
} {
{ return_url "" }
if {![string equal "true" [ad_parameter TestDemoDevServer "" false]]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "<LI>This is not a Test/Demo/Development server.<BR>
So you probably don't want to destroy all data, right?!?<br> <br>
If this IS a Test/Demo/Development server, then check '/parameters/*.ini'
and set the TestDemoDevServer flag to 'true'."
set user_id [ad_maybe_redirect_for_registration]
ad_proc anonymize_name { org_string } {
Replace org string letter with random letter to
anonymize names.
Returns the anonymized string.
} {
set word_list [split $org_string " "]
set result_list [list]
foreach word $word_list {
lappend result_list [anonymize_word $word]
return [join $result_list " "]
ad_proc anonymize_email { org_email } {
Replace the email with an anonymized version
} {
if {[regexp {([^@]*)\@(.*)} $org_email match name domain]} {
set name_mod [anonymize_word $name]
set domain_mod [anonymize_word $domain]
return "$name_mod@$domain_mod"
} else {
ns_log Notice "bad email: $org_email"
return "";
ad_proc anonymize_url { org_url } {
Replace the url with an anonymized version
} {
return [anonymize_word $org_url]
ad_proc anonymize_word { org_word } {
Anonymizes a single word. This allows to
preserve "Inc.", "S.L." etc
} {
set len [string length $org_word]
set result ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
set org_char [string range $org_word $i $i]
set anon_char [anonymize_char $org_char]
set result "$result$anon_char"
# ns_log Notice "anonymize_word: $org_word => $result"
return $result
ad_proc anonymize_char { org_char } {
Anonymizes a single character
} {
# 0123456789 -> 0123456789
# aeiouy -> aeiouy
# bdgkpqt -> bdgkpqt
# cjsxz -> cjsxz
# mn -> mn
# fvw -> fvw
# h -> {}
# lr -> lr
set pos [string last $org_char "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"]
if {$pos >= 0} {
set org_char [string range "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" $pos $pos]
set res $org_char
if {[string last $org_char {'"}]>=0} {set res ""}
if {[string last $org_char "0123456789"]>=0} {set res [pick_char "0123456789"]}
if {[string last $org_char "aeiouy"]>=0} {set res [pick_char "aeiouy"]}
if {[string last $org_char "bdgkpqt"]>=0} {set res [pick_char "bdgkpqt"]}
if {[string last $org_char "cjsxz"]>=0} {set res [pick_char "cjsxz"]}
if {[string last $org_char "mn"]>=0} {set res [pick_char "mn"]}
if {[string last $org_char "fvw"]>=0} {set res [pick_char "fvw"]}
if {[string last $org_char "lr"]>=0} {set res [pick_char "lr"]}
if {$pos >= 0} {
set pos [string last $res "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]
set res [string range "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" $pos $pos]
return $res
ad_proc pick_char { char_set } {
Picks a random char from char_set
} {
set len [string length $char_set]
set pos [expr round(1000*rand()) % $len]
set result [string range $char_set $pos $pos]
return $result
# ---------------------- im_projects -------------------------------
set im_projects_sql "
db_foreach im_projects_select $im_projects_sql {
set im_projects_update_sql "
update im_projects set
description='[anonymize_name $description]',
note='[anonymize_name $note]',
customer_project_nr='[anonymize_name $customer_project_nr]',
final_customer='[anonymize_name $final_customer]'
where group_id=:group_id"
db_dml im_projects_update $im_projects_update_sql
# ---------------------- im_tasks -------------------------------
set im_tasks_sql "
db_foreach im_tasks_select $im_tasks_sql {
set im_tasks_update_sql "
update im_tasks set
task_name='[anonymize_name $task_name]',
description='[anonymize_name $description]'
where task_id=:task_id"
db_dml im_tasks_update $im_tasks_update_sql
set user_password_update_sql "
update users
set password='xxx'
db_dml user_password_update $user_password_update_sql
[... and so on for all tables with critical data]
if {"" != $return_url} {
ad_return_redirect $return_url
} else {
set page_body "<H1>Anonymize</H1>Successfully finished"
doc_return 200 text/html [im_return_template]