Forum OpenACS Q&A: nsopenssl, server and client certificates?

He everybody,

I have nsopenssl installed and created dummy certificates for the site.

2 questions:

1. has anyone an idea where i could get a qualified certificate for an educational institution?

2. How can I turn of the setting that the server asks the client to return a client certificate?


Posted by Torben Brosten on
Nima Mazloumi,

Regarding turning off the "server requires client certificate" feature, try the solution suggested by Matthias Melcher:


Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
Hi Torben,
I set the following parameters to false:


And it works now.

Thank you very much,

Posted by Nima Mazloumi on

But now I get a security warning that I am about to leave the secure connection. If I confirm the browser jumps from https port 443 to http port 80 of the site.

Is there a setting in config.tcl to stay under https?

Here my config.tcl ssl settings:

# NSD-driven connections:
ns_param ServerPort                      $httpsport
ns_param ServerHostname                  $hostname
ns_param ServerAddress                   $address
ns_param ServerCertFile                  certfile.pem
ns_param ServerKeyFile                   keyfile.pem
ns_param ServerProtocols                 "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
ns_param ServerCipherSuite               "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
ns_param ServerSessionCache              true
ns_param ServerSessionCacheID            1
ns_param ServerSessionCacheSize          512
ns_param ServerSessionCacheTimeout       300
ns_param ServerPeerVerify                false
ns_param ServerPeerVerifyDepth           3
ns_param ServerCADir                     ca
ns_param ServerCAFile                    ca.pem
ns_param ServerTrace                     false

# For listening and accepting SSL connections via Tcl/C API:
ns_param SockServerCertFile              certfile.pem
ns_param SockServerKeyFile               keyfile.pem
ns_param SockServerProtocols             "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
ns_param SockServerCipherSuite           "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
ns_param SockServerSessionCache          true
ns_param SockServerSessionCacheID        2
ns_param SockServerSessionCacheSize      512
ns_param SockServerSessionCacheTimeout   300
ns_param SockServerPeerVerify            false
ns_param SockServerPeerVerifyDepth       3
ns_param SockServerCADir                 internal_ca
ns_param SockServerCAFile                internal_ca.pem
ns_param SockServerTrace                 false

# Outgoing SSL connections
ns_param SockClientCertFile              certfile.pem
ns_param SockClientKeyFile               keyfile.pem
ns_param SockClientProtocols             "SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1"
ns_param SockClientCipherSuite           "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP"
ns_param SockClientSessionCache          true
ns_param SockClientSessionCacheID        3
ns_param SockClientSessionCacheSize      512
ns_param SockClientSessionCacheTimeout   300
ns_param SockClientPeerVerify            false
ns_param SockServerPeerVerifyDepth       3
ns_param SockClientCADir                 ca
ns_param SockClientCAFile                ca.pem
ns_param SockClientTrace                 false
Posted by Torben Brosten on
Logging in via https, and then going back to http is default behavior for openacs5.0. I think there is a parameter setting that controls whether or not login occurs via https.

Pointing the browser to an https url (maybe other than /register) should keep the session with an https connection. At least that is the behavior of openacs4.6.3. Openacs5.0 may be different. (Although I have installed 5.0, I don't have it operating at the moment, so cannot check this behavior.)