Forum OpenACS Improvement Proposals (TIPs): TIP #41 Vetoed by Lars Pind

Posted by Lars Pind on
We have a poor home page and a lack of resources.

Perfect is the enemy of good.

We should encourage improvements. There will always be people who have somehting or other against whatever wording we come up with, but we should reward people who take constructive steps to improve the status quo, rather than people who obstruct those efforts.

We should have lower, not higher, barriers to Getting Things Done.

Hence, I suggest

- use your best judgement

- no TIP required

- post a heads-up in the forums,


Posted by Jeff Davis on
I agree with lars. No from me as well.

It's not like we are engraving web pages in granite anyway, it's easy to change, tweak and converge on something we agree is good.