Forum OpenACS Improvement Proposals (TIPs): Re: TIP #43 (Proposed) Adding object_name to acs_objects

Can I assume this TIP got approved if I'll use title and disregard i18n for now? (please let's move the i18n issue to a seperate TIP)
No, the TIP didn't actually get any Approved votes, or any Yes votes, only one "Yes with caveat" vote.  Please summarize the changes, if any, and re-TIP.  I know it seems like bureaucracy, but one purpose of TIPs is to leave a clear record of what we decided, and that means that the proposal text must be complete - if you have to read the TIP and ten comments and figure out which comments were definitive changes and which were opinions that may or may not have been accepted, then TIPs offer little advantage to forum discussion.
Can I assume this TIP got approved if I'll use title and disregard i18n for now? (please let's move the i18n issue to a seperate TIP)


12: Re: TIP #43: Approved (response to 11)
Posted by Lars Pind on