Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Mailing List not working with Categories

Posted by Timo Hentschel on
Thx for noticing this. The api for categories got slightly changed - we now have a better way to include categories in ad_form. I committed my bugfix and this should be working now. Please let me know.
Posted by Walter Smith on
Thanks Timo.  I don't know if I was supposed to, but I tried to uninstall the package so I could reload it.  Was that the wrong thing to do?

So I ran into some errors with it not being able to drop all the tables.  I went in and dropped the tables manually, but I'm finally at an error that I can't resolve:

Deleting package instance 712
The database returned the following error message

    Database operation "0or1row" failed (exception NSDB, "Query was not a statement returning rows.") ERROR: update or delete on "acs_objects" violates foreign key constraint "acs_objects_context_id_fk" on "acs_objects" DETAIL: Key (object_id)=(712) is still referenced from table "acs_objects". SQL: select apm_package__delete('712');

Is there a way I can recover from this?  I restarted the server and the package still appears in the package manager, but if I try to delete it I get the same message above.

Posted by Walter Smith on
I'm struggling a bit with the package re-installation.  The package manager is very cool, but I seem to be having dependency problems.

Are the changes you made, Timo, going to be reflected in the package that the installer automatically pulls off of the site?  Or do I need to get the latest version from CVS (which branch)?

When I try to run the installation on Mailing List 1.0, I get an error that it requires acs-mail-lite 0.3.  However, I can't seem to find that version anywhere (which means it's probably right under my nose).  Should I expect to see it as an available package when I click on "Install Software"?

If I can just get past a few of these issues I think I can be more self-sufficient.


Posted by Joel Aufrecht on
I believe acs-mail-lite 0.3 is only 5.1-compatible, not 5.0.  The automatic installer only shows compatible packages, based on your kernel version.  You can browse all of the packages in both versions directly at
Posted by Walter Smith on
Thanks Joel.  It makes sense that I would only see compatible packages, although I still don't find acs-mail-lite 0.3.  The version listed under 5.1 is acs-mail-lite 0.2a.  I tried checking it out of Head through CVS, but what I found was also version 0.2a...unless I'm looking in the wrong place.
Posted by Randy O'Meara on

acs-mail-lite has been moved around on HEAD lately. Maybe can help you track it down. You can also use the cvs browser and check the HEAD and openacs-5-0 branches in both the normal (/packages) location and under contrib (
