Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Assessment items discussion thread (major cleanup)

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
I did some cleaning up between as_items and the rest of the metadata, moving around bits and pieces.

Stan, could you change your graffle on the as_items page to reflect this fact and not show any section or assessment details, but recreate them on the metadata page with as_items showing up as a black box (we only have two interfaces anyway, from as_item_section_map and as_scale_item_map).

For those concerned, application wise we are going to use an as::item::display function that will take the snippet out of as_items and insert it appropriately. This allows us to stay scalable despite the many many tables and functions surrounding as_items. We might actually go even further and create the whole survey in html pages, but for the moment, we don't have to.