Hi Steve,
I was not able to commit the lastest ui-base changes. The fix are minor, I think Dave fixed some of it. He then now carried to do a lot of things, some of the things I wish have done. And ui-base will evolve to xcms. As of now ui-base is just awaiting xcms, so no need to fix it.
bcms-ui-* and bcds are supposed to be only related because both uses the CR. In theory they should not care about each other. So bcms-ui-* can manage a different folder while bcds can serve a different folder. There can be multiple instances of bcms-ui-* of different UI, since maybe repository is being manipulated by different things. And one bcds serving the whole repository. Or vice versa, one bcms-ui-* that is managing content and is being served by different bcds. One bcds is for intranet, another for public, even for rss, wap, etc.
Hmmmm I think I did not answer your question after rereading your post. I think they are redundant! If not root_folder_id is maybe the template root id. I think those need to change. Can you change those to template_folder_id and root_folder_id in case they are indeed being used that way? To make it consistent with bcms-ui-base/xcms.