You can integrate SCORM into OpenACS using LORS. See this thread
( In terms of
SCORM runtime environment, Jack Ramsey from Intellium has been working
in adapting theirs to fit OpenACS 5.x. And as far as I'm aware we are
pretty close to do so.
Once Intellium's done, Jack and I will be merging LORs to Intellum's
package and that will be full SCORM 1.2 implementation -with great
benefits for the management of content and learning objects as well.
If you are really really on a hurry to implement SCORM, then you might
want to talk to Jack Ramsey as his package already delivers SCORM
courses. Or, option 2, you can have Adam Ullman's SCORM (see previous
thread) runtime environment and LORs working together. However, I will
suggest you to wait a bit longer as we release the full integrated
version of LORs and Intellums.