Forum .LRN Q&A: .LRN 2.0.3 just needs to be tested

Posted by Tracy Adams on
I just made a test tarball for .LRN 2.0.3.  It is in the repository ( labelled (FOR TESTING ONLY).

It just needs to be tested (clean install, upgrade from .LRN 2.0.1 and upgrade from .LRN 2.0.3) in Postgres and Oracle.

The release contains these fixes:
- Bug 1633 (error upgrading dotlrn from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2)
- Bug 1068 (dotlrn Homework problems)
- Bug 1576 (limited access user problems), with the exception of the url-surgery problem, as noted in the ticket tracker
- Bug 11697 (Broken functionality regarding auto adding users by email patterns in dotlrn/tcl/dotlrn-user-extension-procs.tcl)
- Anything fixed in 5.0.4

Martin offered to help Manheim with their MySpace issues.  He tested the users that were reported to have problems, and couldn't reproduce this. (see We need help reproducing or verficiation that the problem is resolved.

I'll be testing and releasing on Monday.

Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
Dear Tracy,

just a short question for clarification. We have dotLRN 2.0.1 installed. If we want to upgrade to 2.0.3 what are the steps?

I can see 2.0.2 packages in the installer but do I need to run an upgrade sql script first? If yes which one and what is it called? How to I upgrade to 2.0.3?

I have a test server with 2.0.1 running. So I can use that if you tell me the exact upgrade steps.

Greetings and thanks alot for your work,

Posted by Joel Aufrecht on

Basically, if you have no custom code it's simple.  If you have custom code, then you have to go through whatever process you use to update the files, but after that it's still simple.

Don't upgrade to .LRN 2.0.2, because there's an upgrade bug in the dotlrn package itself.  Wait for 2.0.3.  And, of course, always test even the safest upgrades on a copy of the production db first, and always make backups.

Posted by Martin Magerl on

here are my first test results:

a) Homework-portlet:
- cr_type_relations are only added, when upgrading from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3:
I've upgraded from 2.0.1 and APM did not run "upgrade-2.0.2-2.0.3.sql".
Therefore I had to add content repository type "homework_corretion" manually.

- version-add.tcl:
When trying to upload a new version of a file (version-add.tcl), homework_file_id is null, which results in an error message.
Maybe, this could be fixed in two ways:
- Move call of dotlrn_homework::new after check of
homework_file_p and add "set homework_file_id 0" in
corresponding else clause
- check, if homework_file_id exsists_and_not_null,
before calling dotlrn_homework::new
- move call of dotlrn_homework::new into if/else-
statement and change call in else clause

- download links in folder-chunk.tcl, used in dotlrn-homework-portlet in class home and homework-folde:
Using variable "title" in download-links (like in file.tcl) seems not to work. Unfortunately I don't know why! Same call in file.tcl (using file-postgres.xql) works.

- Show all versions:
When showing all versions, download of each file points to location of oldest version.
This is caused by a missing "version." in variable "@download_url@" used in multirow

- notifications:
Notifications messages like on new comments included some source code like characters. E.g.:
Message key "dotlrn-homework.lt_admin_has_uploaded" contains text
"notification::new -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id -short_name correction_upload] \ -object_id $homework_file_id -response_id $homework_file_id -notif_subject "<#lt_correction_file_al Correction file alert"

- context-bar:
Context-bar includes an untranslated "<span>#</span>dotlrn.classes_pretty_plural#"
I think, this problem is not related in dotlrn-homework

b) Creating "Limited Access (Guest) Users":
Works fine! Thanks!

c) file-storage:
works fine!

---< additional information on building test server >---

- AOLserver/3.3.1+ad13
- Postgres 7.3.4

"Clean" install of dotlrn 2.0.1:

- create database dotlrn20
- download tarball 2.0.1 and extract to /web/dotlrn20
- chown to dotlrn20.web and chmod -R g+w /web/dotlrn20
- copy own config.tcl and certs to /web/dotlrn20/etc
- start aolserver parameters with -t config.tcl -u dotlrn20 -g web
- start installation via web frontend
- loOK into error.log => no errors reported
- delete log (better overview)
- restart server after "automatic" shutdown
- log in and add me as professor to dotlrn (full access, no guest)
- create department "Medizinische Informatik"
- create subject "Praktische Informatik" in department
- create term "SS 2004"
- create class "GPI 1" with term "SS 2004" and Subject "Praktische Informatik"
- created test student and added him to class "GPI 1" (full access, no guest)
- stop server
- pg_dump-backup of dotlrn 2.0.1 database
- restart server
- loOK into error.log => no errors reported

Upgrading to dotlrn 2.0.3:

- pg_dump-backup of dotlrn 2.0.1 database
- download and unzip dotlrn 2.0.3
- "cp -r" dotlrn 2.0.3 files to /web/dotlrn20
- chown to dotlrn20.web and chmod -R g+w /web/dotlrn20
- replace config.tcl by own config.tcl again
- Upgrade system using "Upgrade system from local filesystem"
- Select all application/services and start upgrading
- Click on restart server => server shutdown
- Restart server manually (I have not installed daemontools for testserver)
- After restart: look into error.log => no errors reported

Posted by Tracy Adams on
See notes below. I've created some new bugs and put them into the bug tracker. This makes it easier for me to manage because then we can use the bug #'s as a way to track what is open and the bug tracker functionality to manage the process.

You've found some new bugs. The question is do we fix for 2.0.3, which was slated to be a limited release of critical fixes to the 2.0 branch or wait for a more extensive project? In working on the release, it looks like we've started a general cleanup of the homework package, which had a lot of loose ends.

The choices would be:
-- Complete the homework cleanup and then release. This would probably take 2 days to test and fix the complete module.
-- Keep the release limited and work on the rest of the homework bugs after.

a) Homework-portlet:

>>- cr_type_relations are only added, when upgrading from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3...

Curious, so the script ran when you went from 2.0.2 --> 2.0.3 but not when you went from 2.0.1 --> 2.0.3? I'll try the same with Oracle...

I put this in as a new bug- 1712. We need this figured out for 2.0.3.

>- version-add.tcl: When trying to upload a new version of a file (version-add.tcl), homework_file_id is null, which results in an error message.

I just verified in both 2.0.2 and 2.0.3. I put in a new bug - 1713.

>download links in folder-chunk.tcl, used in dotlrn-homework-portlet in class home and homework-folde:

This works with Oracle. Here is one place to check because I had that problem with Oracle for a while. Check the query in folder-chunk-postgres.sql and make sure that something is returned for the title.

This is bug 1068. Can you please make notes in the bug tracker? This bug was on the original list for 2.0.3 so we need this fixed.

>- Show all versions: When showing all versions, download of each file points to location of oldest version.

This is new bug 1714.

> notifications:
Notifications messages like on new comments included some source code like characters. E.g.:

This is new bug 1715. This would be level 4 in severity (Cosmetic) and I'd suggest not holding up the release for this.

>Context-bar includes an untranslated "<span>#</span>dotlrn.classes_pretty_plural#"
I think, this problem is not related in dotlrn-homework

This is new bug 1716.

Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
Hi Tracy,

I did also some changes that should included in this dotLRN release. Until now only cosmetic stuff like using tables to display more than one entry in the forum and news portlets like is used in the faq portlet. I created a bug and uploaded also the patches to use.

I want to work on the forum package now and will send up a patch as soon as my stuff is finished.

I think having the homework package finished for this release is the better idea. Because Heidelberg is dealing with performance issues at present anyway and who knows when the next release is.


Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
Maybe we can even release together with OpenACS 5.1. What do you think?
Posted by Tracy Adams on
Here is the situation.  We have 2 things activitely happenning in the community.

1) People are trying to launch/upgrade using the 2.0 releases (2.0.2, 2.0.3, etc).
2) OpenACS is working on 5.1 which contains over 100 bug fixes. (Note that the release of .LRN 2.0.3 will not contain any of these fixes since .LRN 2.0.3 is on the .LRN 2.0 branch)

The idea for the 2.0.3 release was to help people in situation 1 get over any critical bugs that may be preventing them from launching or upgrading.

After OpenACS 5.1 is release, we can release a new version of .LRN that contains the OpenACS 5.1 fixes and anything else in the meantime.

Perhaps the criteria, then, for any of the newly found bugs in this thread is "Is it critical for anyone who is launching or upgrading".  If so, we wait and put in the release. If not, we put it in after OpenACS 5.1.

Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
I tested an upgrade from 2.0.1 via "Install from OpenACS Repository"-->"Upgrade your system" adn selected all 2.0.3 package. The installation was successful. The server restarted without any error afterwards.

Since in it is not required to run the upgrade script I didn't use it - was that right?

Some minor changes that could be added to 2.0.3:
- I changed the forums and news portlets to display multiple instance in tables as is done in the faq portlet. The lists that are used right now are very space consuming and didn't look nice. Changes were committed to head.

- I changed dotlrn-forums (dotlrn-forums-admin-portlet.adp)to incl. the link to the lists of available forums and to the admin page. Both pages exist already but were not accessible over the class/group admin page. Changes were committed to head.


Posted by Bruce Spear on
Tracy, I'm wondering if you might check out or add these two problems to the bug tracker.  I've installed dotlrn 2.0.3 from the tarball of last week.

1. I can't upload files in Zip format.  They seem to have been uploaded, the zip file broken apart and individual files appear in the folder with their proper sizes and extensions, but my browser can't open them.  I think this is important for those of us moving from earlier versions.

2. Under Edit Group Properties I can't change Header Font or the Header Font Size.  This might not be mission critical, but it means I have to dive into the file system with time I don't presently have.

3. Under the nuisance category.  In Customize Portal Layout, files often do not move when you have clicked them and so require repeated clicking.

Otherwise, I have found this upgrade from 1.0 to be a great pleasure, and I wish I could convey to all who have worked on it the hundred times in the last week I've gotten our new students, when I have given them a hands-on introduction and showed them what it can do, to say "that's totally cool!"

Posted by Tracy Adams on
Hi Bruce,

Would is be possible to
a) enter these as tickets in the ticket tracker
b) let me know the numbers

We can get them in either the 2.1 and 2.2 release.  (see the post with the .LRN Roadmap)


Posted by Matthias Melcher on
I did the bureaucracy: bug # is 1749