Forum OpenACS Q&A: Possible to post replies to forum from email client directly?

Hi all,

just a short question. Is it possible to post to a forum by replying to a mail I receive?

When I press reply I get something like the following as recipient:


Yes it is possible. I haven't done it myself though. I believe there are some docs for that lying around somewhere.
yes its possible, notifications allows you to do that, and any application that has the proper service contrat well defined should be able to parse / insert the proper data for a given application. Currently, AFAIK only forums supports this. Its supposed to work only with qmail, but I'm pretty sure that it should work with any mailserver that can be configured to use the ~/Maildir directory.
I tried a post of my test server but nothing happened. I have postfix installed on my SuSE Linux
Do you have it configured to use maildirs?