Forum OpenACS Development: Re: RFC: Separate code and data directories by default in 5.2

Hi Joel,

is this just an issue of changing the definition of the "standard" production environment? In my environment for example the content-repository is the only "data"-like store under the openacs-root. All the other things that an openacs-instance needs (database-dir, database-logs, aolserver-access-log, aolserver-error-log, aolserver-bindir,supervise-scripts,...) are lying somewhere on the disks, maybe sym-linked to the openacs-dir. But not necessarily... As far as point 3 is concerned: My cvs way is to create a checkout of the whole openacs tree  and symlink the necessary directories to my real openacs-root.(this way i can use "cvs update -Pd" later on to update all levels of dirs)
Did i misunderstood the reasons of your RFC?