Forum OpenACS Q&A: cvs package collection

Posted by Nagita Karunaratne on
What is the story with that set of cvs packages named 'dotwrk'?

Is it the same packages with a modified vocabulary or are there some structural changes?

2: Re: cvs package collection (response to 1)
Posted by Jeff Davis on
I think its more accurate to describe it as a particular configuration of OpenACS, standard packages like forums and file-storage plus some things which are more suited to collaboration in a work environment.

In reality though it has not matured anywhere near as much as dotLRN. We are getting there though. Jade Rubick just committed a release version of project manager, logger is a useful app, I am working on knowledge management, and there are a host of other things which have come along since dotWRK was proposed.

The piece we need is the thing that pulls it all together -- a portalized install of these packages and some tools to better admin an intranet type portal. dotLRN could be adapted to do that although it's not clear to me at least if that would be the best approach.

3: Re: cvs package collection (response to 1)
Posted by Richard Hamilton on
Having had a close look at the possibility of customising .LRN to make an intranet just recently I came to the conclusion that this was not a good idea.

The customisations are somewhat impenetrable to say the least and I was left thinking that it would be quicker and easier to customise a blank acs5 than to wrestle with .LRN

There are of course analogous groups and structures in .LRN which could simply be renamed to cover employee groups and company departmental structures, but I couldn't think of a tidy analogy for semesters or curricula. (Semesters could perhaps at a stretch be business cycles or financial years but this is a poor fit because every business period is different whereas a course programme is repeated each period for a differnt group of people).

I also came to the conclusion that whilst the portals functionality in .LRN is nice, it is not strictly necessary and that in our case we could do without it. Having said that, I notice that the portals module is available as an installable package for acs5, I just haven't had a chance to look at it yet.

The final point that swayed my thinking was that .LRN appears to be HUGE, and even an empty install takes a long time to bootstrap - which left me thinking that there was probably a lot going on under the bonnet (hood) that was surplus to requirements in a .WRK type application.

I think that the acs is developing so well that very soon it will be virtually a .WRK anyway out of the box!

I don't know whether this accords with the thoughts of others?

Oh, by the way, Jade's Project Manager is a work of art.


4: Re: cvs package collection (response to 1)
Posted by Jade Rubick on
Thanks Richard!