I've installed aolserver 3.2 (as distributed by the aolserver people), pgsql 7.1beta4, and the pg driver 1.1.0 as distributed here.
Postgres is running with "-i" as well, so it accepts connections on both the Unix domain socket and the TCP/IP socket:
nsadmin@bebox:~$ psql -h localhost real
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
nsadmin@bebox:~$ psql real
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
The database pool definition reads like so:
ns_section "ns/db/pool/main"
ns_param Driver postgres
ns_param Connections 5
ns_param DataSource localhost::real
ns_param User nsadmin
ns_param Password "nsadmin"
ns_param Verbose On
ns_param LogSQLErrors On
ns_param ExtendedTableInfo On
and in the server log:
[14/Feb/2001:13:29:43][6132.1026][-sched-] Error: Ns_PgOpenDb(postgres): Could not connect to localhost::real: connectDB() -- connect() failed: No such file or directory
Is the postmaster running at 'localhost' and accepting connections on Unix socket '5432'?
[14/Feb/2001:13:29:43][6132.1026][-sched-] Error: dbdrv: failed to open database 'postgres:localhost::real'
[14/Feb/2001:13:29:43][6132.1026][-sched-] Error: could not allocate 1 handle from pool "main"
could not allocate 1 handle from pool "main"
while executing
"ns_db gethandle"
invoked from within
I'm completely baffled.
Does anyone have an idea where to probe?
I'm running a Debian Linux "woody" system.