When search with Google say on "openacs" I get results, yes, but
NO results from bboard posts. I assume this is because Google and
other search engines do NOT search for dynamic content or
specifically URL VARs.
Yes, I know one can use the search here on the site but having it
as part of the search engines would allow for more exposure to the
big world. I am amazed when I use Google to search for the answer to
some problem and it often forum posting with the answer is returned.
OPEN ACS posts have urls like
So, what about a module (or proc) that builds a directory tree of
threads? It would look like:
And in the "0000LN" directory would be an index.tcl file that
would do a redirect to the long url above.
The module would create this new directory and index.tcl file
every time a new thread is started.
Feedback please!