Its already in there.
in your OpenACS docs
Web Robot Detection
part of the ArsDigita Community System by Michael Yoon
User-accessible directory: none
Site administrator directory: /admin/robot-detection/
Data model: /doc/sql/robot-detection.sql
Tcl procedures: /tcl/ad-robot-defs.tcl
The Big Picture
Many of the pages on an ACS-based website are hidden from robots
(a.k.a. search engines) by virtue of the fact that login is required
to access them. A generic way to expose login-required content to
robots is to redirect all requests from robots to a special URL that
is designed to give the robot what at least appear to be linked .html
You might want to use this software for situations where public (not
password-protected) pages aren't getting indexed by a specific robot.
Many robots won't visit pages that look like CGI scripts, e.g., with
question marks and form vars (this is discussed in Chapter 7 of
Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing).
Also I believe that Google does index URLs with varaiables in them anyway.